Sunday, June 30, 2019
Before I Die I Want To...
We should all ask our senior loved ones what they would want to do before they die. Then we should see what we can do to fulfill their wishes! Let's talk about your parent or Grandparent. Come visit our website, send us an email or call us at 623-295-9890.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
The Fun Backgrounds of our Resident's Families
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
14 Tremendous Benefits for People who Live in Goodyear
Monday, June 24, 2019
Cameron is No Longer with Us
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Temptation Got the Best of Us (and Our Resident)
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Praying for and Missing Our Residents in the Hospital
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
17 Fun Churches in Surprise AZ
Many of the residents in our assisted living homes love their churches. There are special relationships between many seniors and their places of worship. We’ve found that many of the churches in Surprise are very welcoming and fun. So, we wanted to let other seniors (and their families!) around Surprise know about all the opportunities around them.
We have also had some Jewish residents who worshipped at synagogues in towns surrounding Surprise. We are just not aware of synagogues in Surprise. The same goes for Muslim mosques, although we have not had any Muslim residents as of the date of this blog post. If anyone knows of any mosques or synagogues in Surprise, we’d love to be able to recommend them to our residents. Please let us know in the comments below.
For this post, we will concentrate on Christian churches in Surprise. We have not visited all these churches in Surprise. We’ve been to some, and heard good things about the rest. We are definitely not trying to endorse any particular religion. We just want to provide information to families about churches in Surprise that can help meet their spiritual needs. If they are so inclined.
You’ll see the churches in Surprise grouped by denomination. There are also some non-denominational churches on the list. If we could find a video about the church we included it. We’ve also included the contact information and website for each church.
We hope you can find the best fit church for your family. We’ve also found some seniors have trouble traveling to church. There is a wonderful service called Northwest Valley Connect around Surprise and Goodyear that can help. You can read more about the service in another one of our blog posts.
Baptist Churches in Surprise
Cross Church 17475 W Bell Rd, Surprise, AZ 85374 623-544-0561. Services are Saturday at 5 and Sunday 9am and 10:30 am. They put their latest sermons online. You can watch them here.
Mountain Side Baptist Church 13260 W Foxfire Drive #23, Surprise, AZ 85374 (623) 734-2394. Sunday school is at 9am and worship service is at 10am. The Sunday evening service is 5pm and Tuesday service is 7pm.

Oasis Baptist Church 15679 W Custer Lane, Surprise AZ 85379 (623) 980-9472. Programs include Sunday school at 9:30 am and worship service at 10:30 am.
Catholic Churches in Surprise
St. Clare of Assisi 17111 West Bell Rd, Surprise, AZ 85374 (623) 546-3444. 8 am masses Monday through Friday. 4pm Mass on Saturday. Sunday masses at 7am, 9am, 11am and 5pm. The Rosary starts half an hour before each mass.

Church of Christ in Surprise
Surprise Church of Christ 14925 W Silverleaf Way, Surprise AZ 85374 (623)556-2700. Sunday school 9:30am. Worship services are at 10:30am and Sunday Devotional 6pm. Wednesday 7pm Bible classes and Thursday 9:45am Ladies Bible class (September-May only).
Lutheran Churches in Surprise
Spirit of Grace Lutheran Church 15820 W Clearview Blvd, Surprise, AZ 85374 (623) 977-6000. Their lates sermons can be found here. Services are Saturdays at 5pm or Sundays at 9am. They also have lots of events during the week.
Desert Streams Church Although the website shows Waddell, they have a Surprise location as well. 15506 W. Ventura St, Surprise, AZ 85379 (623) 215-8139. The Waddell church is at 10330 N Cotton Lane, Waddell, AZ 85355.
Non-Denominational Churches in Surprise
Church for the Nations Surprise 13201 W Grand Ave, Surprise, AZ 85374 (623) 584-1985. Sunday services are at 10:30am but children (and grandchildren) can attend Sunday school at 10:15am. They also stream their services on their Facebook page each week.
Fourteen Six Christian Church 15175 W Mondell Rd. Surprise AZ 85374 (623)252-1460. They are named after the Bible verse from John 14:6:
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Sunday service starts at 9 and 10:45am. They also have lots of events and Bible studies during the week. You can check out their event calendar here.
West Valley Bible Church 13939 W. Grand Avenue, Surprise, AZ 85374 (623) 544-9822. Sunday services are at 8:30 and 10:30am. They also have a separate events calendar.
Christ Church of the Valley – Surprise Campus 14787 W Cholla St Sun City AZ 85379 – (623) 875-9000. This church is part of a very large “Christ Church of the Valley” network throughout the Phoenix area. They have two services on Saturday at 4pm and 5:30pm. Sunday services are 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am and 1pm.
Calvary Chapel Surprise AZ 15610 W Greenway Road, Surprise, AZ 85374 (623) 399-9613. Service on Saturday at 6pm, Sundays at 9 and 11am and Wednesdays at 6:30pm. You can listen to many of their sermons at their Media Center web page.
New Vintage Church 16025 N Dysart Road, Surprise AZ 85374 (623) 252-4659. They meet at the Arizona Charter Academy Sunday mornings at 10am.
Real Life Ministries 13174 W Foxfire Drive, Building B, Surprise AZ 85378 (623) 933-4999
Pentecostal Churches in Surprise
Iglesia Del Valle 15406 N Greasewood St. Surprise, AZ 85378 (623) 583-7734. They don’t have a website but you can see what they’re all about through their Facebook page. This is more of a Spanish speaking church.
Radiant Church Assembly of God 15522 W Paradise Ln, Surprise, AZ 85374 (623) 975-2662. Services are Sunday at 9am and 10:45 am. There is also at Wednesday night service at 7pm.
United Methodist Churches in Surprise
New Song United Methodist Church 16303 W Bell Road, Surprise AZ 85374 (623) 544-1400. They have a traditional service at 9am on Sundays and a contemporary service at 10:30 am Sunday. Open communion is on the first Sunday of each month and on Holy Days.
We hope this guide has helped you and your family find a place to worship in Surprise, Arizona. If you have any questions or would like some advice, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. And if you know of other good churches in Surprise, please let us know about them in the comments below.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Our Latest Availability and "Team Dad"
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Happy Father's Day to all those Dad's out there
We love the fathers that stay in our homes. We also love to meet all their children and grandchildren at our holiday parties. We hope you had a wonderful day with your father!
Care to meet some of our Dads? Reach out to us through Facebook (@aparadiseforparentsassistedliving), our website, email or call us at 623-295-9890
Thursday, June 13, 2019
We love our ladies
We really enjoy celebrating special people. The residents in our assisted living homes have all kinds of backgrounds and experiences. But the bottom line is that they become like family to us. And we sure love that.
Would you like to meet our family? Feel free to reach out at our website, email or call 623-295-9890. We'd love to show you!
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
8 Stellar Hospice Services in Surprise and Goodyear AZ
Unfortunately, part of the assisted living business concerns end-of-life issues. We really try to focus on healthy living in our homes. At some point though, we have to focus on making people comfortable at the end. Fortunately, we have some great partners that help us with the right care for people who are at the end. Those people work for a Hospice company. And we have some great Hospice Services in Surprise and Goodyear.
There’s a lot of misconceptions about Hospice. One of our Hospice Services in Surprise and Goodyear wrote a blog postfor us to try to help clear up those misconceptions. Don’t get me wrong – Hospice is definitely for end-of-life care. But just because you have made the decision to put your loved one on Hospice, it doesn’t mean it’s the end.
Making the Decision on Hospice Services in Surprise and Goodyear

If your loved one is at the stage where they qualify for Hospice, we would highly recommend it. Hospice is an absolutely free medical service. Medicare picks up the tab. The service includes
- Nurses
- Doctors
- Chaplains
- Social workers and
- Other employees
All of these people are passionately doing whatever they can to make this difficult period comfortable for their patient. And the Hospice services in Surprise and Goodyear that work with us are very good at it. They really help the caregivers and managers in our assisted living homes to greatly improve the end of life time.
Then again…
We really have a passion at our assisted living homes. We try to help our residents “graduate’ from any Hospice services in Surprise and Goodyear they may be on. By “graduate” I mean they become well enough to no longer need any Hospice services. We do this through a combination of very healthy meals and some good exercise.

Although Hospice cannot provide care that actively tries to heal, they can help us help our residents bodies to heal. Consider this:
- The Hospice services in Surprise and Goodyear come to our homes and make the patients feel comfortable.
- We provide nutritious meals and exercise.
- Both Hospice and our assisted living caregivers help with other activities that lift the spirits of the residents.
- And the combination of all of that sometimes results in a resident becoming well enough to “graduate”.
So how do you choose the right Hospice services in Surprise and Goodyear for your loved one? We’ve listed the Hospice companies who we noticed provided the best care for our residents. Each of our caregivers have their favorites and are free to make recommendations. But we do not push any Hospice companies on our families. Ultimately, we understand this is a very important decision for a family. We want to respect that decision and do everything we can to support it.
These hospice services in Surprise and Goodyear don’t only work in hospitals or assisted living homes and larger facilities. They can come to your home and take care of your loved one as well.
Our Recommendations
Here is our list in no particular order. Although we provide their main office address below, please remember that these companies mostly come to you. Your loved one should never have to see the inside of their main offices
Hospice of the West (HOW)

For instance, on the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War this year (2019), they came into one of our assisted living homes and performed a ceremony for all our residents that were veterans. It was very moving. All the veterans in our homes really appreciated being honored.

HOW really believes in a team approach to Hospice care. That team includes the people I mentioned above. It also includes the family and friends of their patient. They are very good at communicating with everyone who is concerned about the patient. That way everyone is involved in making the right decisions.
There are only 6 Hospice services in the state of Arizona that have received the Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP) certification. Hospice of the West is one of the six. There is a long, involved process to achieving this certification. The certification provides an independent, third-party review of how a Hospice conducts their business. There are many evaluations, assessments and audits of the business. Successful completion of all the reviews earns the certification. The certification means HOW is a top-notch Hospice care company.
Hospice of the Valley (HOV)

Hospice of the Valley was also the only Hospice in Arizona chosen to participate in the a national Medicare Model Program. The 3-year program that started on January 1st, 2018 is measuring ways to improve quality of care, lower cost and decrease hospital stays through collaboration with community physicians.
Currently Medicare requires Hospice companies to stop care that promotes healing. Instead they are required to provide palliative care, or care that promotes comfort at the end of life. With this new program, families may select to have both Curative and Palliative care while on Hospice. The thought is that more families will take advantage of Hospice if they don’t have to give up the medical treatment they were receiving. Hospice of the Valley calls this Medicaring. If your family wants to continue the curative treatment, you may want to consider HOV.
Solace Hospice

For full disclosure, the previous owner of A Paradise for Parents assisted living homes now owns Solace. Thomas Fedzin sold the homes to us so that he could purchase Solace Hospice. He has a passion for the senior population and loves to help out people whenever he can.
Solace starts with a free consultation and patient assessment. They can go over all the care needs with you. Then they can provide you with a customized list of services that might help. Some of the services include:
- Pain management
- Discussions of emotional and spiritual issues
- Volunteers that can care for your family member in your home while you take a break
- Bathing and grooming services
- Medication deliveries
- Provide medical equipment such as mobility devices or oxygen
Our assisted living homes also provide all those services. Solace can do them for you for free if your loved one is at your house.
Southland Hospice

Southland works with the family to find the right solution.
Southland Hospice is another one of the six Hospice companies in Arizona to achieve the CHAP certification. See more details about this prestigious certification in the Hospice of the West section.
Hospice Promise

In addition to being close, Hospice Promise is very good about working with veterans. They believe this country made a promise to the veterans to take care of them. Hospice Promise helps to fulfill that promise. Hence the name.
To help veterans, Hospice Promise is part of the national awareness program “We Honor Veterans”. As part of the program, Hospice Promise focuses on creating and nurturing partnerships with other veteran organizations. Those partnerships help improve the care and availability of helpful veteran programs for their patients. They also work hard to:
- Build professional and organizational capacity to provide quality care for Veterans
- Develop and/or strengthen partnerships with VA and other Veteran organizations
- Increase access to hospice and palliative care for Veterans in their community
- Network with other hospices across the country to learn about best practice models
Banner Hospice

Obviously, the advantage of the Banner Hospice service is that they have the backing of a very large company behind it. Banner Hospice can work directly with all their medical centers in the area to provide all medical care to their patients. If you like the services you have been receiving from the Banner Health medical services, then adding the Hospice service may be a no brainer. We very much appreciate our relationship with the Banner Health system in Surprise and Goodyear.
Mountain View Hospice

- Mind – providing emotional support to the patient and family as they cope with the patient’s decline and impending death in order for them to all be coping effectively.
- Body – no longer curative treatment, but aggressively treating physical symptoms that occur as the body is shutting down, thus allowing for a comfortable end of life.
- Spirit – providing spiritual support to the patient and family which allows for spiritual peace which in turn enables the patient to pass away without distress and allows the family to have peace when their loved one passes away.

Like many of the other Hospices on this list, Mountain View will travel to wherever their patients reside. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sage Hospice
5111 N Scottsdale Rd #204, Scottsdale, AZ 85250. (480) 777-5117. Sage is a Hospice that cares a lot. They send people into our homes at times to do games and other activities with our residents. It just seems like they have a culture of going above and beyond. Another sign of their care is that all their case managers are also registered nurses. The case managers make it a point to visit all their patients at least twice a week. Many other Hospice services have case managers that do one weekly visit.
The other staff will also visit homes very frequently unless asked otherwise by the family. That includes their social workers, chaplains, volunteers, and Physician Medical Directors.
Rather than me telling you about Sage, you can hear it for yourself in their informative introductory video:
To see how they would care for your family member, check out this video:
We Appreciate Our Hospice Services in Surprise and Goodyear
Hospice really makes our lives and our caregivers work environment so much better. And our families really appreciate all the services their chosen Hospice provide. Together I believe our assisted living homes and our Hospice providers make for the best care possible.
If you would like to meet some of these Hospice providers at our homes, please feel free to reach out to us through the contact form on our website(scroll down to the bottom of the page), emailus or call us at 623-295-9890 to set up a meeting.
Have you had any great experiences with Hospice services in Surprise and Goodyear? We’d love to hear about them in the comments below.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Monday, June 10, 2019
Our Latest Availability
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Our First 100th Birthday Celebration
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
20 Low Cost (or even No Cost) Goodyear or Surprise Clinics
As we all grow older, we generally require more healthcare. More healthcare means more costs. Those extra costs can really put a dent in the budgets of seniors. That’s why we’re such advocatesof taking charge of your health no matter what stage of life you find yourself. Medical costs, however, are inevitable. Like everything else though, it pays to shop around. We’ve assembled a list of low cost Goodyear and Surprise clinics that can really help you stretch your dollars. The list also includes clinics in the surrounding area of the West Valley of Phoenix, Arizona. Hopefully if you need to pinch pennies one of these Goodyear or Surprise clinics can help you out.
We grouped the clinics by city, so you can easily find the ones that are most convenient. We’ve also listed their website, the services they offer, and who is eligible to use them. The Goodyear and Surprise clinics are the ones we know the best. Unfortunately, we only know one pretty low cost clinic in Goodyear, but we know several Surprise clinics. But we’ve heard good things about many of the other clinics in the surrounding area as well.
Many of the Goodyear and Surprise clinics offer a sliding scale for fees. They will determine what they will charge you based on your income and ability to pay.
Goodyear Clinics

Surprise Clinics
15351 W Bell Road, Surprise, AZ 85374 (877) 809-5092. They accept all income levels whether you are insured or uninsured. All Medicaid and Medicare policies are also accepted. They offer Primary Care, a Pharmacy, OB/GYN, mental health counseling, Dental and labwork.

13995 W Statler Blvd, Surprise, AZ 85374. (623) 478-3100 Same as Adelante as to who they accept. They also offer financial assistance (be sure to ask about it!). They are open Monday through Saturday and offer Podiatry, OB/GYN, Adults, Diabetes – Treatment/Management, X-Ray, Lab, Primary Care, Specialists, Women’s Health, Immunizations, Hearing and vision.
13985 W Grand AVE Suite 101, Surprise, AZ 85374 (623) 251-2884. People are taken regardless of insurance coverage as long as you are a veteran. The offer Specialists, Social Services, Primary Care, Counseling/Mental Health, Health Education/Nutrition, Lab work and Geriatric to veterans in the Surprise area.
Here are some low cost or no cost clinics in the surrounding area:
Avondale Clinics
950 E Van Buren St., Avondale, AZ 85323 (623) 344-6800. All people accepted insured and uninsured. Medicare and Medicaid as well. They have the sliding scale of prices. They provide Vision, Primary Care, Pharmacy, Medical, Dental, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing, HIV/AIDS Testing, Labwork, Hepatitis C Testing, OB/GYN, and other Specialists.

1001 N Central Ave Avondale AZ 85323 (602) 861-2233. They accept people who are uninsured and underinsured. There is no fee for their service! Just don’t go there because you’re cheap! Go if you really can’t afford it. They offer Primary Care, Medical, Health Education/Nutrition, Immunizations, and Specialists.
Valle del Sol Community Health – Avondale
10320 W McDowell Rd G-7024, Avondale, AZ 85392 (602) 258-6797. They will take all comers – uninsured, underinsured, regular insurance, Medicare and Medicaid. They are by appointment only however. For services they offer Medical, Primary Care, Women’s Health, Vision, Hearing, Cholesterol Screening/Lipid Panel Test, Diabetes – Treatment/Management, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing, Health Education/Nutrition, Immunizations, and Labwork
10320 W McDowell Rd G-7024, Avondale, AZ 85392 (602) 258-6797. They will take all comers – uninsured, underinsured, regular insurance, Medicare and Medicaid. They are by appointment only however. For services they offer Medical, Primary Care, Women’s Health, Vision, Hearing, Cholesterol Screening/Lipid Panel Test, Diabetes – Treatment/Management, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing, Health Education/Nutrition, Immunizations, and Labwork
Buckeye Clinics

306 E Monroe Ave, Buckeye, AZ 85326 (877) 809-5092. This is the same business that has a clinic in Surprise as well. Same deal on who they will take – pretty much anyone regardless of what insurance you have or lack. They also speak Spanish at these clinics. They offer Primary Care, Medical and Dental services from Monday through Friday.
20751 W Market St, Buckeye AZ 85396 (623) 463-5000. Yup. Same as the Banner Health Center that is listed with the Surprise clinics regarding what they will accept (Hint: Pretty much everything in terms of insurance or lack of it). At this location they offer Podiatry, Medical, Diabetes – Treatment/Management, X-Ray, Labwork, Primary Care, Geriatric, Pregnancy, Women’s Health, and Health Education/Nutrition from Monday through Saturday.
El Mirage Clinics
12428 W Thunderbird, El Mirage, AZ 85335 (623) 344-6500. This is the same company that operates the health center in Avondale. They have a sliding scale of fees depending on your insurance. They also speak Spanish. The health center is open Monday through Friday 8-5. For services they provide Primary Care, Medical, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing, HIV/AIDS Testing, Labwork, Hepatitis C Testing, Specialists, Diabetes – Prevention/Testing, Diabetes – Treatment/Management
Glendale Clinics
20325 N 51st Ave Bldg 9, Ste 170, Glendale, AZ 85308 (623) 249-4928. Banner is all over the place! Like the other clinics in Surprise and Buckeye, this one takes all income levels. We also profiled their large Del Webb hospital in another blog post. Although technically it is one of the Surprise clinics, we tried to focus this article more on smaller clinics. This clinic is open Monday through Friday and offers Podiatry, Adults, Immunizations, and Diabetes Treatment and Management.
5141 W LaMar, Glendale, AZ 85301 (623)-344-6700. Like the health centers in Avondale and El Mirage, the Glendale Health Center has a sliding scale for payments for anyone who can’t afford the regular cost for treatment. All kinds of insurance are accepted as well. Like the other health centers they are open Monday through Friday. They offer Primary Care, Medical, Dental, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Testing, HIV/AIDS Testing, Labwork, Hepatitis C Testing, Pharmacy, Specialists, Cardiology, Dialysis, Neurology, Vision, Diabetes Prevention,Testing, Treatment and Management.
NOAH – Copperwood Health Center
6677 W Thunderbird Rd Suite A124, Glendale, AZ 85306 (480) 882-4545. NOAH stands for Neighborhood Outreach Access to Health. And they live up to their motto. All income levels and insurance are accepted. They also have a sliding scale of fees. Open Monday through Friday. Offering Primary Care, Women’s Health, Immunizations, Health Education/Nutrition, Diabetes Treatment and Management, and Mental Health Counseling.
6677 W Thunderbird Rd Suite A124, Glendale, AZ 85306 (480) 882-4545. NOAH stands for Neighborhood Outreach Access to Health. And they live up to their motto. All income levels and insurance are accepted. They also have a sliding scale of fees. Open Monday through Friday. Offering Primary Care, Women’s Health, Immunizations, Health Education/Nutrition, Diabetes Treatment and Management, and Mental Health Counseling.

6206 W Bell Rd, Glendale, AZ 85308 (480) 882-4545. They are pretty identical to the clinic on Thunderbird above.
Litchfield Clinics
4860 N Litchfield Rd Suite 102, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 (623) 474-8370. Another Banner Health Clinic. And just like the others, it accepts a sliding scale for fees, all insurance, plus underinsured and uninsured. Services include Podiatry, Adult Medicing and Diabetes Treatment and Management.
Peoria Clinics
15525 N 83rd Ave Suite 104, Peoria AZ 85382 (877) 809-5092. Same procedures for paying as Adelante Buckeye and Surprise Clinics. Services at this clinic include Primary Care, Medical, Specialists, Labwork,Health Education and Nutrition.
13640 N Plaza Del Rio Blvd Peoria AZ 85381 623-876-3800. As you can see there are a lot of Banner Health Centers in the area. In order to avoid redundancy, please see above for who they will take. Know that they take all income levels and provide financial assistance if needed. You can go to this one for Podiatry, Diabetes Treatment and Management, Health Education, Nutrition, Primary Care, and Specialists.
28471 N Vistancia Blvd Ste 102, Peoria AZ 85383 (623) 327-8800. Same as the previous Banner clinic. Just a different location.

7615 W Thunderbird Road, Peoria AZ 85381 (623) 547-6838. Rapid Care accepts all income levels, and all levels of insurance, including those who are underinsured and uninsured. They are an urgent care facility that can provide X-Rays, Lab work, Medical service and Immunizations.
Wickenburg Clinics
811 N Tegner St Suite 113, Wickenburg, AZ 85390 877-809-5092. This is the fourth Adelante clinic in the area (see above for more). And they also have the sliding scale payment system for people of all income levels and insurance levels. Their services include Primary Care, and Adult Medical Care.
We hope this helps you, your family or your friends that are older and experiencing some financial hardships. Just as these Goodyear and Surprise clinics are willing to help, so are we. That’s why our group homes are often 40-50% lower cost than the large assisted living facilities.
If we can be of any further help, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us.
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